Lesson 1 (5th Feb 2014)
Having taught Support Team for a few rounds I chose to start the lesson by teaching the class on how to produce a mind map for the topics taught in the module. I felt this is necessary as learners usually find difficulty in seeing the structure in modules taught. Refer to the images below for the mind maps produced by each group.
Besides that, I observed a few learners tried to make sense of what the module is all about. As time is running out, I decided to cover the following topics which anchored on the first chapter which is Conduct Team Planning Activities:
- Mission
At this point I explained that Vision provides direction as to Where one wants to be. It communicates the purpose of a business.
Lesson 2 (6th Feb 2014)
As a continuation of lesson 1, I decided to explore the use of mind map when teaching to UK 1.1 Organisational policies and procedures that apply to team planning activities. Please refer to the diagram below.
In my approach to create a conducive and interactive learning in the classroom, I chose to make do with the white board and the learner's guide as my teaching tools. Instead of downloading information to the learners I probed them for definitions, examples, and experiences. On top of that I shared the following with the class to highlight to them the importance of reflecting what is relevant to one's experience and knowledge when writing a reflective journal.
- Orgnanisation structure - all the organisation that I have worked with since graduation are Small, Medium Enterprises and all of them are in the Training and Education industry. Besides that I shared that all these companies are structured by function such as sales, marketing, finance, operations etc. After which they are either structured by products and by geographic location. For example, Mastereign Enrichment structured their sales personnel according to geographic location with a few of them in charge of the Eastern, Western, Northern and Central Singapore. CET, SENSE on the other hand structured their administration and marketing staff according to courses which is ES WSQ, Service Excellence and LPM.
- Organisational culture - from a perspective of an adjunct trainer, an organisation culture is determined very much by the grooming standards and the expected behaviour in dealing with public; learners and others. As a form of identification, name tags are provided.
- Goals and objectives - I was once asked by my lecturer while doing Diploma in Adult Continuing Education to identify my industry and I was quick to respond "Training". To this, she asked me to redefine my industry. I was asked to visit websites of training institute such as SIM, NTU and NUS to name a few. I came back to her and told her that I am in People's Development industry. With that I set on a new mission; to inspire and motivate learners to be accountable of their own learning and personal development. With that I am also determined to upgrade myself with essentials skills to ensure that I remain relevant as an Adult Educator.
- Organisation policies - could not have agreed with the learner about effective policies being flexible, comprehensive, coordination, clarity and ethical. To quote an example how I got myself into a sticky situation between a service provider and its client as they have different expectations and policies with regard to make-up lessons and assessments lacks clarity and poor coordination between the two parties.
Lesson 3 (12th Feb 2014)
I continued producing a mind map as a teaching aid for the lesson. We continued with the following topics:
- UK 1.2 - The relationship between high level strategy and the development and implementation of team plans and processes
On Trends and Issues, I provide examples related to the training industry of the following factors that may impact an individual or team performance:
- Competitor activities - discuss with the class the competitors of SENSE which includes Association of Muslim Professionals, Jamiyah Business School etc.
- External networks of human resources and business professionals - provide example of my involvement in the Adult Educator Network
- Political, Economic, Social and Technological changes (PEST analysis), added Environment - explains that in training, legislative changes initiated by the Ministry of Manpower affects me as an Adult Educator for example the mandate for all WSQ trainers to attain a complete ACTA certification; share how Economic changes affect the training industry and that there is a trend for people to upgrade their skills and knowledge during the economic downturn;discuss with the class that the current social landscape has changed due to the influx of foreign talents into Singapore; shared with the class of how teaching practices has evolved caused by technological innovation and development for example online quiz, online discussion, e-learning etc.
Explained to the class the importance of using the SWOT Analysis to determine the feasibility of any of the strategic business plan.
- UK 1.3 - Communication techniques and channels relevant for disseminating information regarding team activities, services and products
Explained to the class the various components of the Operational Plan which may include:
- Structure of the project team
- R
- UK 1.4 - Individual role and accountability for leading team planning activities
- UK 1.5 - Team member roles and accountability for team planning activities
At the end of the session, I addressed question pertaining to the written assignment. Now, a stack of assignments awaiting to be checked and marked.