Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Manifestation of Innovation in the Classroom

Having taught Cultivate Service Innovation Mindset (CSIM) and Participate in Service Innovation Processes (PSIP)  get me thinking about innovating my own practices as an Adult Educator.  I would like to thank Leonard Lim from CBLD for sharing QR Code and Google Docs (now known as Drive) from which I can immediately see the application in my classroom and beyond.

Quick Response Code (QR Code)
QR Code allows me to easily share learning resources with my learners and fellow colleagues.  For example scanning the QR Code using your smartphone will lead you this blog of mine.  Go ahead and try!!!

Besides that, I have also created a QR Code for a quiz which will be shown on the projector screen from which the learners can scan and attempt the questions.  For details of how this quiz works, scroll down to the part on Google Docs - a possibility of replacing the clickers?
The use of the QR Code was received well by the learners.  One of them comment that "this is better than providing us with the web address".  Many felt that while the feature is available in the smartphone, they hardly knew the purpose and how it is used.

Google Drive - an alternative to the clicker
It never occur to me that the resources required to create my own online quiz is just a click away.  It's easy to use, it does it own marking and its FREE!!! What a deal?

Google drive provides a feature that allows the creation of online quiz like the one I created below.

The trainer can then track the learners performance from another document which somewhat looks like Microsoft Excel and yes, it does work like Excel.  Refer to the diagram below.