Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Recapitulation - the many teaching methods of doing it....

Trainers and teachers alike, are often searching for ways to recap learning which are fun, creative and effective.  After reading from several sites, I begin my experimenting with a few. Here's my findings.

Gallery Walk
In gallery walk, I posted a topic on flip-charts at different place on the walls in the classroom. (In this case, Examples of Verbal and Non-verbal Communication). Learners formed into 3 groups of 5, and each group moved from one flip-chart to the next (hence the term walk).  After writing the group's response on the first flip-chart, the group rotated to the next position adding to what is already written by the previous group.  This rotation continued until all groups returned to their original position.  At this point, groups were to review the responses written by the other groups on their respective flip-charts.  At this point, they were allowed to clarify any responses contributed by any of the other teams.

Some of the questions posed by the learners are:
  • Why chit-chat under verbal? 
At this point, I explained that communication can be categorised under formal and informal communication and that chit-chat should be listed under the  informal communication.  However, in retrospective I should have provided more examples or elicit from the learners other examples of formal and informal communication.

  • Why e-mail, sms, facebook and twitter under non-verbal?
To this, I explained that non-verbal does not mean written and what they have listed under non-verbal are examples of communication channels.

Related topics:
  • Speed dating